Nothing personal and Glad to be your friends

Technology at Sea Games 26th

Posted: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 | Posted by dania | Labels: , 0 comments

SEA Games XXVI di Palembang dan Jakarta dari 11 hingga 22 November 2011 ini menyita seluruh perhatian masyarakat terutama di Indonesia. Di balik semua itu, teknologi mengambil peran yang sangat penting untuk mendukung pelaksanaannya. Hampir semua cabang olahraga menggunakan teknologi canggih. Berikut adalah review teknologi SEA Games XXVI:

1. Swiss Timing Omega

Omega dipercaya sebagai pencatat waktu resmi untuk Olimpiade. Omega Swiss Timing hanya digunakan di stadion berstandar internasional dan Event Olimpiade. Di Asia, Indonesia merupakan satu-satunya negara yang telah menggunakan Omega Swiss Timing, bahkan Swiss Timing tersebut telah didukung oleh Omega.

2. Automatic Weather Station

Di SEA Games XXVI, AWS sangat membantu untuk mengetahui dan mendeteksi perubahan cuaca yang mungkin terjadi, salah satu fungsinya seperti yang digunakan oleh BPPT adalah untuk mencegah hujan saat upacara pembukaan dan penutupan SEA Games XXVI.

3. Walkie Talky

Untuk memperlancar komunikasi antar panitia. Agar jalannya acara tidak terganggu.

4. Scoring Board
Untuk mengetahui Score sementara antar pemain. Scoring Board di Sea Games digunakan secara otomatis. hanya dengan menekan tombol yang biasanya akan ditekan oleh wasit.

Ini hanyalah sedikit pembahasan review mengenai teknologi canggih yang digunakan di SEA Games XXVI. Selain dari beberapa yang saya tulis di atas, masih ada banyak lagi teknologi canggih lainnya untuk mendukung realisasi dari SEA Games sebagai olahraga bergengsi di kancah Asia Tenggara. Semoga tak hanya dari teknologinya saja yang membuat SEA Games XXVI di Indonesia menjadi terkenal, namun juga dari prestasi para atlit SEA Games yang berkompetisi.

"Selamat Untuk Indonesia Yang Berhasil Menjadi Juara Umum Sea Games Ke-26. SUKSES TERUS INDONESIA!!!!"


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Last Event

Posted: Wednesday, November 2, 2011 | Posted by dania | Labels: , 0 comments

Hello fellas...
Now im in senior year on my junior high school. time goes fast. and last thursday me and my #18 had a motivation trip on Bogor or we called AMT. On the first day we're not in bogor but Labschool. There's a lot motivator there. they're a success people. I'm so proud that i can met them. They really respect us with came to our school on their busy schedule. Second day we're going to Bogor. The motivator was great. Well we learned about mind mapping, sugggesstion, what we gonna do after finish junior high. we cried, laughed, happy, spirit together. This is our last event in Labschool. hope we will be a success people like our dream.
the first: failed >.<
oke the second mmm not so bad.
Go Fight Win #18....... LOVE YOU ALLL!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for reading people.......({})


Posted: Thursday, January 27, 2011 | Posted by dania | Labels: 0 comments

It's tough when someone who care about you, starts to ignore you and you have to pretend you don't mind. When the truth is you starting to care about him......

Posted: Sunday, January 2, 2011 | Posted by dania | Labels: 0 comments

“All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else.”



Posted: Friday, December 31, 2010 | Posted by dania | Labels: 0 comments

Today we end a year. Thank you, 2010. For the new friends i made, for the friends who stuck with me through thick and thin, for the bitches who backstabbed me, for the people who just walked out my life, for the people who broke my heart, for the people who made me happy, most of all this is for me on still being awesome and will be awesome in 2011 haha you too guys. Hope you have a lovely new years and all your wishes come true. Tomorrow we start a new one! Last day of 2010! Happy NYE everyone:-)